Marshfield LNG Storage Tank Demolition Project - Community Q&A

Updated: March 20, 2023

Anticipated Public/Community Q&A

Q:  What project is going on at the Marshfield facility?

A:  The liquefied natural gas (LNG) storage tanks at the Marshfield facility are being prepared for demolition by removing all methane gas from the tanks.


Q:  I smell gas, is that related to the project?

A:  LNG is being removed from the storage tanks, and it is not odorized. It is unlikely that work being done related to the project will cause a gas odor. If you do smell a gas odor, you should immediately leave the area where you smell the odor and dial 911 or call Eversource at 800-525-8222.


Q:  What is LNG?

A:  LNG is natural gas converted to a liquid. It becomes liquid when cooled to -259 °F at atmospheric pressure.


Q:  What is the vapor I see?

A:  The covered combustor equipment on site is safely disposing of the methane that is being purged from the tanks to prepare them for demolition. Any visible vapor exhausting is carbon dioxide and water vapor, like that exhausted from a household furnace exhaust.


Q:  Why is a covered combustor being used?

A:  A covered combustor is being used to dispose of the residual methane vapors from the tanks in a controlled and safe manner. This is being done to prepare the tanks for demolition.


Q:  How long will the project last?

A:  The purging process of the project is expected to last about one week, and work will be done during daylight hours only


Q:  Are the Marshfield Fire and Police departments aware of these activities?

A:  Yes, these efforts have been communicated to local safety officials and they are aware the process and equipment involved.


Q:  Will the project increase noise in areas surrounding the facility?

A:  The noise levels are not expected to be above those created during normal LNG plant operations in the winter.


Q:  When the purging is complete, what will be the results?

A: Once the purge process has been completed, all the methane vapors will have been safely removed from the tanks and replaced by nitrogen. Nitrogen is inert and makes up 79% of the air that we breathe. The tanks can safely remain in this state indefinitely.