Upcoming Events

Special Town Meeting of April 22, 2024

In accordance with Article 2-4 of the Marshfield Town Charter, notice is hereby given that the Warrant for the Town of Marshfield Special Town Meeting of April 22, 2024 shall open for submission of warrant articles on Monday, February 12, 2024. Articles should be submitted to the Select Board Office. The Special Town Meeting Warrant will close on Friday, February 23, 2024 at 12:30 p.m. The Special Town Meeting will be held on Monday, April 22, 2024 at the Marshfield High School Auditorium at 7:00 p.m.

Select Board
James J. Kilcoyne, Chair
Lynne E. Fidler, Vice Chair
Stephen R. Darcy, Clerk

Link to DSA (Dredge Spoil Area) Infomation


The Attorney General’s Office has published a Q&A to provide answers to frequently asked questions we have received regarding the MBTA Communities Law. Please find it here: 



April 23, 2024 Update from Town Counsel, Robert W. Galvin, Esq.:

"I conferred with Margaret Hurley, Esq. who is the Assistant Attorney General in charge of the Municipal Law Unit as to its next steps. 

They were disappointed to hear that Marshfield did not pass the MBTA communities bylaw. They were also interested to know why people were opposed and I related what I heard.     

I did offer the points of view espoused by many that the state was overbearing in acting to require this where the town has made significant progress towards affordable housing. 

At this point, they do not intend to bring a suit against Marshfield in the immediate future in the hope that Marshfield will reconsider its position in the fall even after the Milton case is decided. They will still consider us in interim compliance until 12/31/24.     

If we are not in compliance by that date with a new bylaw EOHLC will send us a letter that we are no longer in compliance and that will be followed by a lawsuit to compel compliance."



This page will be updated with information regarding capital projects and relevant updates.







  • Marshfield Police Station Information - History of the Marshfield Police Department building deficiencies
  • Marshfield Police Station Bidding Schedule:
    • Prequalification of GCs and Subs Completed         Friday, September 4
    • Issue Advertisement to Central Register                Thursday, September 10
    • Advertisement appears in Central Register           Wednesday, September 16
    • Advertisement appears in Marshfield Mariner     Wednesday, September 16
    • Advertisement posted at Town Hall                        Wednesday, September 16
    • Plans and Specifications Available                          Wednesday, September 16
    • Non-mandatory Pre-Bid Conference                       Wednesday, September 23, 10:00 AM (EST)
      • @ Marshfield Police Station, 1639 Ocean Street, Marshfield, MA 02050.
    • Filed Sub-Bids Received*                                            Wednesday, October 7, before 2:00 PM (EST)
    • General Bids Received*                                               Wednesday, October 21, before 2:00 PM (EST)
    • Award Contract and Issue NTP                                  NLT Friday, October 31*All Bids should be submitted electronically online at www.projectdog.com and received no later than the date andtime specified above.



The calculator file below will calculate the impact per household based on home value.

*Need Excel to open file*

Debt Calculator



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